Children’s Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Jasmine Irwin, Alannah Dharamshi and Noah Zon worked with CSA Group on a report on children’s privacy in age of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a growing role in children’s lives, fundamentally reshaping their everyday experiences and places – from their homes, to their schools, to other public services and spaces. While the application of AI has rapidly expanded, the tools to address the challenges AI can pose to children’s privacy have not kept pace.

Instead, children are navigating the age of AI with little consideration for their best interests from developers and policymakers alike. But children are deeply affected by AI; they both directly and indirectly interact with AI-enabled technologies, including those designed for adults. Children are also distinctly affected by AI; they have specific privacy rights, needs, and circumstances that are impacted by this technology.

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